Gua Sha

view>Gua Sha - East Asian Influences in Western Beauty

Roots, History, And Origins Of Gua Sha

Despite popular belief, gua sha isn’t a tool itself but a massage technique. The “gua” in gua sha is Chinese for “to scrape” while “sha” means sand, referring to the sand-like red marks left on the skin after massaging. Gua sha is thought to have originated in Ancient China. Records from as early as the Ming dynasty, in the 1300s, show medical practitioners using the technique. Gua sha is a traditional medical method of massage meant to relieve the individual of illness, tension, and excess heat. It was also thought to move qi, or life energy, in the body. It was often used as a full-body massage, often on the neck, back, and shoulders. Tiny red welts were expected to appear afterward to represent ailments that had to be purged from the body. Traditional gua sha tools were made of ox horns but could be done using one’s hands, a spoon, or anything that could scrape against skin effectively. Jade was sometimes used by medical practitioners but not extensively.

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Gua Sha’s Rise to Fame

From lymphatic drainage, increased blood flow, de-puffing, to flushing out “toxins,” gua sha has made its way into the Western beauty space for its seemingly magical properties. How much truth is there to these claims? On social media, you’ll find countless individuals posting before and after videos or pictures from using gua sha massage over a few weeks or so. They all seem to have the same results: less puffy skin, a more prominent jawline, and a radiant glow. Criticism in their comments section includes accusations of using different lighting, angles, or staged “before” pictures. You’ll see a condemnation of the gua sha tool for being a marketing ploy for companies to gain more profit. However, there is evidence that gua sha massage relieves muscle tension, improves blood circulation, and stimulates the lymphatic system.


The truth of gua sha massage is much more complicated than how social media may portray it. Most people will divulge part truths and part false information on the matter. This may be due to the lack of education on gua sha and the claims made by influential names. Celebrities like Olivia Rodrigo, Kaia Gerber, and Phoebe Dynevor are only a few who further perpetuate this trend as an everyday staple in skincare routines. Gerber even mentioned that she treats her gua sha tool as a crystal that should be charged. She also indicated her initial skepticism toward face massaging and rolling. Dynevor admitted that she only started using a gua sha tool after seeing other celebrities using them. Misconceptions and bandwagoning of gua sha are present even for celebrities.

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Misconceptions of Gua Sha

Most individuals claiming to include gua sha in their routines aren’t engaging in the technique correctly. Though traditional gua sha is meant to produce red bruises, it is a given that most will want a gentler approach for the face. However, for the best results, individuals should educate themselves on properly stimulating the lymphatic system and what it does. When using the correct technique, muscle tension and puffiness are shown to decrease substantially. There is also no need for the gua sha tool to be made of jade or rose quartz. Contrary to what is commonly seen on the market, the look of jade or quartz is simply a marketing ploy. The material exudes opulence and luxury, even if the brand uses plastic to cut the manufacturing price. There’s also some confusion with face rollers, which may look similar to gua sha tools. Face rollers can’t scrape, as they are meant to roll across the skin. While brands usually lump gua sha tools with face rollers, there’s a clear difference between the two.


More benefits of gua sha can be found here:

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The Issue Of Gua Sha’s Surging Demand In The Western Market


This isn’t the first time Western beauty companies appropriate a beauty item with Asian cultural significance (Read more about Sheet Masks - East Asian Influences in Western Beauty

here: Almost every skincare brand has some kind of tool that replicates the gua sha tool, but seldom mention of the history behind gua sha. Acupuncturist and healing center founder Sandra Lanshin Chiu echoes this: “it offends me when brands profit from ingredients or traditions like gua sha without deep reverence for the culture and respect for Asian people who have been carrying the traditions for generations and centuries.” In these modern times, it’s tiring and hurtful to see continuing injustice towards marginalized communities trying to share their culture with the Western world. It’s infuriating how bigger companies stay in the spotlight for an item they did not come up with or know the history behind. Instead, brands need to be more innovative. While taking advantage of a trend to profit is a common practice, it never pays to border on cultural appropriation.

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Read more about Chiu and other founders’ opinions on this matter here:


Further reading:,now%20as%20a%20folk%20therapy.&text=Although%2C%20the%20period%20of%20the,era%20of%20the%20Ming%20Dynasty.


Gua Sha - East Asian Influences in Western Beauty

Roots, History, And Origins Of Gua Sha

Despite popular belief, gua sha isn’t a tool itself but a massage technique. The “gua” in gua sha is Chinese for “to scrape” while “sha” means sand, referring to the sand-like red marks left on the skin after massaging. Gua sha is thought to have originated in Ancient China. Records from as early as the Ming dynasty, in the 1300s, show medical practitioners using the technique. Gua sha is a traditional medical method of massage meant to relieve the individual of illness, tension, and excess heat.

reducint product development time

view>Reducing Product Development Time

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Is it always necessary to have rapid product development time?

The short answer: no. The long answer: for some products that require long-term investments, a longer production rate is essential to carrying out a vision. However, reducing product development time for the majority of sold goods is more efficient. It minimizes costs of creating a product as longer development times cost more resources. It is also useful for start-up companies wanting to get their idea on the market quickly. It also helps with product trends on the market. Launching an on-trend product will amass consumers’ attention and get them to buy from your brand. Since trends can be fleeting, quickly putting a competitive product on the market before other competitors do is critical. For example, the skincare-foundation hybrid trend. Natural makeup and skincare-infused makeup has become increasingly popular. Almost every makeup brand with face makeup products has some version in their line now. Think of the recently released Nars Light Reflecting Foundation or Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Flawless Filter. Both have come out in the midst of this trend and garnered a significant amount of attention, especially on social media. In this way, you can see how reducing product development time can increase sales, customer loyalty, and satisfaction. 


How cosmetic companies are reducing their product development time

For many cosmetic companies, product development time generally lasts a few years. This is usually due to research, perfecting formulations, quality testing, approval from the FDA, and much more. However, this also depends on the brand. Some brands choose to launch new collections frequently with little time in between each. How do these brands do it? One way that is extremely effective is by reusing formulations. For example, if your brand already has a trusted formulation for eyeshadows, lipsticks, and blushes, these items can easily be tweaked in a few ways (think colour or finish) to give the impression of novelty. Then, every so often, a singular new product/formulation can be added in to amplify consumers’ interest. This tactic works well as it can be easily suited to current trends and does not cost much time to put together. Instead, it buys time for the creation of new formulations. Another way brands put out products on the market quickly is by using turnkey manufacturing. Turnkey manufacturing involves putting your trust into one manufacturer to develop the entirety of a product line. They help guide through the entire process from start to finish, whilst in the end, your brand name appears on the products. A third way of getting a product on the market faster is to use small batch developments. A smaller batch made means less time producing every carton, less resources needed to secure, and less time needed for quality testing. However, this also means that higher costs for production might be necessary. In general, smaller batched products need to be priced higher on the market for this reason, which is something to be aware of. 


Read more about small batch and turnkey manufacturing here:


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General Tips to reduce product development time 

Start with the specifics right away. This is important especially if they are potential issues down the line. This way, they can be addressed and remedied as fast as possible. Identify the target market as soon as possible to start the marketing process and delivery quickly. Simplify the product so that it still aligns with your goal and original idea, but only includes what is essential. For this to work, be open to making compromises. Schedule the timeline realistically. Moreover, ensure the checkpoints are being met. Prioritize your idea and allocate your resources accordingly, if you have many projects going on. Create an aggregate production plan as it focuses on the development of pressing strategic concerns as opposed to affairs of lesser importance. Or, use a Processing Network Model which displays the project and project structure for help staying organized. Teamwork is crucial in reducing product development time. A clear team with delegated tasks to each person needs to be set up to work on this idea. As well, foster a good relationship with the development team. It is useful to listen to any recommendations they have in cutting down production time. You can also provide a questionnaire to the product development workers to aid in discovering any constraints and issues early on. Lastly, be picky with quality assurance. Good QA will guarantee that there aren’t any mishaps when consumers receive the product. Image removed.


Limitations to keep in mind with reduced product development time

Firstly, ensure that this project is something you want to commit to reducing development time. Can you meet the requirements needed for creating this product from start to finish? Will it be reasonable for your brand to acquire all the necessary resources for this product? Acknowledge that there are always some risks when development time is cut. A rapid development time will require extensive planning and more short-term work in order for it to be executed smoothly. If not thoroughly prepared, issues down the road could lengthen production time or produce an unsatisfactory commodity. Finished products with flaws could lead to unsatisfied or doubtful customers, diminishing progress by a substantial amount. If this product was made to be on-trend, be mindful that this could be risky. Trends go as quickly as they come, so it could be a waste of resources if not thought out fully. One thing to remember is that reducing product development time should not reduce quality. Don’t oversimplify the product too much to get it out faster if it sacrifices quality and expectations from customers. At the end of the day, what matters is having happy customers who value your creations and care for detail. 

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The takeaway

Scaling down product development time can minimize costs, get your ideas out before competitors, and add an on-trend product to your line quickly. Regardless of the reasoning for reducing product development time, it’s easy to name the many other benefits that come with it. The most important idea is setting up a solid plan. Good process management and planning construct the foundation for the rest of product development. Spending time to curate a shorter development time will make things run smoother in the future.


Read more about product development:


Inventory Managment

view>The Importance of Inventory Management

Why is Inventory Management Needed?

Managing inventory is an essential part of any business to keep the flow of transactions organized. It ensures that your business knows how much you have, how quickly materials are being used, how many products are in stock, and how many products are selling. Part of it is tracking how much stock is needed and predicting when extra stock or less stock is required for a certain good. This allows you to inform customers when you can expect to get a product out. It also gives an idea of the volume of orders that can be fulfilled. In addition, it is also a gauge for whether an expansion of inventory space is needed. Without inventory management, you might end up with too little or too much of one stock. Either way, this could affect the efficiency of the flow of goods.

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Approaches to Inventory Management

The general idea of inventory management involves producing records of the amounts of goods on hand or required. However, there are many techniques you can adopt to suit your company’s style. 

  • EOQ

The most common model is known as the EOQ, which stands for Economic Order Quantity. It is a formula used to determine just the right amount of stock needed for each product. 

  • ABC analysis

Another common approach is the ABC analysis. Stock is segmented into three categories. Category A includes products that bring the most revenue (80%). Category B consists of products that fall in-between the two categories, bringing a modest amount of revenue (15%). Category C consists of products that bring the least revenue (5%). ABC analysis helps visualize which stock is the most valuable and should be invested in. 

  • FIFO

If those two aren’t optimal for your company, you could go with FIFO: First-In-First-Out. Products purchased first are the first to be sold to prevent worn-out, unsellable goods. FIFO requires organization of newer stock at back and older stock at the front. 

  • LIFO

Conversely, you could go with LIFO: Last-In-First-Out. Products purchased last are sold first. 

  • JIT

Last on this list is JIT: Just-In-Time. Inventory is only restocked when it is needed. It can be risky but can save on inventory management costs as it prevents wasteful investment in unneeded goods. 

These approaches are only a few of the models used for inventory management. There are many more that have been developed and publicized to suit more needs. For newer businesses, it might be hard to determine which one suits your company best. However, establishing a method early on will help prevent future mishaps.

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Read about more inventory management techniques here: 


Challenges and Troubleshooting

As stock management is a complex process, it’s wise to think of any potential obstacles that could affect efficiency. One thing to consider is about finding balance. Needs of customer demand should be met while also minimizing assets going into making or keeping products. To keep track of this, it would be useful to turn to current trends as well as your own market trends. Utilizing software to help predict trends would be helpful when deciding which goods need more or less stock. Inventory management software is also helpful for another challenge: achieving accurate records of stock. When carrying many items, it can get difficult to keep track of how much there is. It’s not feasible to do manual counts once your brand grows larger, so it’s important to find the right technology to make this process easier. Storage can also become an issue for managing inventory. Determining whether to purchase a storage unit for excess stock is something to think about as business grows. There are many things to consider before purchasing extra space, and it depends on your business and personal preferences. Lastly, good organization of inventory management is crucial to avoid several potential complications. Disorganization could lead to miscounts. Making it hard to locate items in a warehouse will cost time and be inefficient. A solution is to stick with simple labeling systems and to have in-depth training for employees on the inventory process. This way, any confusion is minimized. 

As mentioned throughout, software and other technology can aid in the management process greatly. For instance, utilizing data analytics on your website helps track what your customers are interested in. By doing this, you can estimate which products might need more or less stock. RFID, or radio-frequency identification, technology is something you can look into for record-keeping. It logs every product’s journey from or to a warehouse or storage space automatically. This reduces inaccuracy and human mistakes if they were tracked by hand. 


Read more on technological advancements for inventory management here:,be%20both%20active%20and%20passive.


Optimizing Inventory Management 

It’s worth putting in effort to optimize inventory management, and it’s not an overnight process. When it comes to inventory management, efficiency, timeliness, and organization are three critical aspects. Being efficient encapsulates forecasting demand and planning stock levels to cater to those demands. Factoring in the time needed for good inventory management ensures customers can get the products they want and their orders fulfilled. Staying organized guarantees fewer hiccups down the road when it comes to keeping records of stock. Regardless of how small or big a business is, optimized inventory management is part of the foundation for success. 

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Read more on inventory management here:




East Asian Influences in Beauty

view>Sheet Masks - East Asia Influences Western Beauty

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Sheet Masks: East Asia influences Western Beauty Trends

East Asia influences western beauty alot. When it comes to sheet masks, K-beauty has catapulted this self-care product into almost every brand’s line. South Korean stars who have gained popularity in the Western world are known to boost sales of sheet masks. Some simply speak about a particular product, while others start livestreams wearing one. Idols like Tzuyu from Twice or BTS’s J-hope and Suga are only a few of the individuals who have contributed to the beauty trend.


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Some feel that western brands don’t recognize the rich East-Asian origins of sheet masks. One of the co-founders of Soko Glam, Charlotte Cho, mentions, “a lot of the Western and American brands are adopting these ingredients and products into their product line, but oftentimes how they introduce a product doesn't shed light on the origin story of the innovation that they adopted from.” Soko Glam is a beauty company that has been aiding in the process of bringing K-beauty and  east aisia influences to the western  beauty world. Their selection ranges from sheet masks and hydrating toners to snail mucin serums. As with any product, many appreciate it when the history of traditional formulations or innovations is highlighted. If you plan on including a sheet mask or any other products with Asian roots, a checklist of things needs to be considered.


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Know your competition

If you aren’t an Asian-based or Asian-influenced brand, how will you market your sheet mask to rival well-loved Asian brands of face masks? Keep in mind that some Asian brands have had sheet masks in their line for a long time. It’s important to make a product that stands out.

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Tailor your products

Will you formulate it as a hydrating mask? A brightening one? Keep it to one or two per sheet mask. Offer a diverse selection so that consumers can choose one that suits their specific needs. Tejo works to pair the perfect product with the buyer, which means that your customer will get a better picture of which sheet mask will work best for their skin. Decide on highlighting one star ingredient. It could be a plant, flower, or fruit extract, or a well-known ingredient like vitamin C, niacinamide, or peptides. Once again, this individualizes your product and informs the consumer of why the product works.


Variations of the sheet mask

Decide what material you want for your mask; will your audience appreciate biodegradable materials? Will you make gel-based ones, or stick with fabric? The material of the mask can determine whether you can formulate the attention-grabbing foaming masks or eye-catching vivid colours and patterns. Sheet masks aren’t just for the entire face, either. In a recent Vogue video, Shay Mitchell was seen to use sheet masks made for the forehead, chin, under-eyes, and chest. Targeting specific areas of the body could further allow your customers to incorporate more of your skincare line into theirs. Think wrinkle-reducing forehead masks or cooling and soothing under eye masks.


Driving sales with marketing

Appeal to the consumer by pointing out the fact that your sheet mask could be a part of a relaxing routine. Package your sheet masks in a unique way that matches your brand’s look! Most fall under three categories: serious and skincare-driven, fun and colourful or minimalist and natural. Try offering a discounted price when customers buy more than just one, or sell a pack that contains several sheet masks. The more often a sheet mask is used, the better the result will be on the skin. Getting the customer to use several will get them to see a bigger difference and encourage them to purchase more.

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Sheet masks are a great product to add to a skincare line, especially due to East-Asian beauty influences continuing this trend. However, this does mean that they need to be innovative in order to compete with Asian beauty brands. Consumers need to have a good reason to pick your sheet mask over another, and at Tejo, we can highlight your strengths to them.



Further reading:





view>Gothcore makeup -trend predictions

Tejo predicts that gothcore makeup looks will become more popular in 2022.

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Goth never really goes out of fashion there are always going to be nonconformists out there who want to look different and rebellious and a little bit spooky and so I think Goth will always be around.


Gothic spooky dark or little bit edgy there's always room for rebellious looks that maybe look a little bit freighting. Gothcore seems largely to be a pushback against soft core and more cute aesthetics that have risen to popularity recently.

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This has led to interesting aesthetic choices that have married both the cute more soft core aesthetic with something that's a little bit more gothic and grunge a nouveau goth to be exact as emerging trend according to Pinterest


Mask mandates have forced people to focus on the eyes. As a result we're seeing many vibrant and dramatic looks and that lends itself very well to gothic aesthetics. What's more edgy than a dramatic smoky eye?


What is gothcore and gothcore makeup?

Gothcore isn't a traditional goth. It more refers to looks that are edgy tough and a little bit dark think Billie Eilish for example. Gothcore is perhaps more gender neutral than then historically goth has been with gender bending being a common element in gothcore.


“[Now] is a lot more about personal empowerment and toughness,” said Casey Cadwallader.


History of Goth

Goth is a subculture that originated in the United Kingdom in the 1980s. The name is derived from gothic punk which was an offshoot of post-punk music genre. Its imagery largely stems from 19th century gothic horror movies and books.


“Goth is a visible reaction against the toxic positivity of previous years,” says Brenda Otero, Lyst’s Cultural Insights Manager.


EOS Lawsuit

view>Brand Deep Dives-EOS Lip Balm Lawsuit

eos lip balm lawsuit

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We decided to look into eos lip balm because of James welsh s recent vid The EOS Lip Balm Lawsuit - When Beauty Turns Ugly. What created the rise popularity of EOS lip balms? Lets look at the product, marketing and distribution of these lip balms.

Product and Store Presence 

First it has to do with the shape of the container. The orb of lip balm was really attractive to a lot of people. A round lip balm was completely new. I wanted one just because I thought it looked cool.

What the founders realized is that women would Carry lip balms in their handbags and that it could essentially be like a fashion accessory because lip balm is constantly reapplied. Especially in colder climates like here in Canada

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Because of that frequent use people buy many lip balms to have in different bags. So consumers could justify an impulse purchase if they saw a new container color or flavour. There were a lot of new an interesting flavors that you could try like honeydew or grapefruit. It was exciting, and personal, now you could buy a unique flavour in your fav container. They were very prominently displayed in stores. At the checkout. In isle at the front at eye level. They sticked out leading to more purchases. The other thing they did well was creating scarcity. The flavours and colors rotated out so you had limited time window to purchase the special additions.

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Social Media

Unlike their competitors EOS decided to focus heavily on their social media presence and build a following compared to incumbents that hadn't really done so. they made videos on how to customize your EOS lip balm by bedazzling it. as well as how to take an EOS lip balm and you know make it Nutella flavored by mixing it in with Nutella They had a lot of celebrity endorsements. Eos was everywhere. Katy Perry Britney Spears Kim Kardashian endorsed it. people saw a lot of famous people using the product and wanted to try it.

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EOS Lip Balm Lawsuit

Eos has had controversy where reports of people getting blisters and rashes around their mouth after using the product. The FDA did do an inspection of the eos facilities but they found nothing that could have resulted in such a severe reaction eos also uses a number of contract manufacturers and contract manufacturers Are oftentimes more incentivized to create lower cost products as opposed to higher our quality ones


Some believe that lip balm companies intentionally create products to dry lips to make you buy more lip balm. Alot of common lip balm ingredients can be drying or prone to allergic reaction. I'm not sure its a conpiracy, but its always worth while to understand ingredient listings and the products purpose. I really like jen luvs vid about this The REAL reason why your lip balm sucks... (part 1)


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So what happened? Why did eos lip balm lawsuit happen? Why was there such a push back against eos? In part it had to do with using influencers which was very new at the time. There were not as many widely available techniques on managing influencer relationships.

When news broke out that some ppl did not react very well to Their lip balm news travelled through the same channels. So many influencers refused to promote eos for fear of seeming in authentic.

They also had not built other kinds of promotion such as philanthropic endeavours or thought leadership. Essentially they grew too fast.

They may have also used dodgy contract manufacturers to meet demand... This may have caused the problem in the first place.

Here is an article about it:,wasn't%20the%20only%20one.


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Brand Deep Dives-EOS Lip Balm Lawsuit

eos lip balm lawsuit

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We decided to look into eos lip balm because of James welsh s recent vid The EOS Lip Balm Lawsuit - When Beauty Turns Ugly. What created the rise popularity of EOS lip balms? Lets look at the product, marketing and distribution of these lip balms.


view>Amazon Best Practices

Why is being on amazon important?

  • if you have a popular brand there will be resellers or dupes that appear on amazon
  • YOU want to be in control of that customer experience.

So... how do I get my products to show up on amazon’s search results?

  • Key word hacking.
  • Paid adds
  • Niche results

What about fulfillment?

  • Amazon offers services to fulfill products for you
  • Amazon has very high standards for fufillment.

Some Articles we found interesting:

Amazon Best Practices

Why is being on amazon important?

  • if you have a popular brand there will be resellers or dupes that appear on amazon
  • YOU want to be in control of that customer experience.

So... how do I get my products to show up on amazon’s search results?

  • Key word hacking.
  • Paid adds
  • Niche results

What about fulfillment?

  • Amazon offers services to fulfill products for you
  • Amazon has very high standards for fufillment.

Some Articles we found interesting:


view>Beauty and VC 2022

Traditionally VC’s have stayed away from the cosmetics industry because of the high costs of entry, but with more DTC brands, a high level of acquisitions and emerging technology is causing investors to take a second look a beauty. Making now the right time for beauty VC 2022. VC isn’t right for every one and every founder but when used properly it can be a great tool.


Reasons to Raise

  • You are overwhelmed by orders and cannot keep up with demand.
    • Or you just got a large contract and need support meeting that
  • You want to expand into other markets
  • You are doing something tech focused and your business model has:
    • low barriers to entry
    • is contingent on having lots of users
  • You are first to market.
  • You have some kind of IP
  • You are looking to automate some of your processes
  • You discovered a way to turn x dollars into 5x+

Don’t raise if...

  • You don’t have a good reason to
  • You don’t want to give up control of your company
  • You don’t want to ever sell your company (There are types of investment vehicles that allow you to continue in your company for ever but that’s not typical VC)
  • You built your company so you can live your life a particular way. Such as
    • Have more free time/Time to take care of dependants
    • You want to choose who you work with all the time.
    • You don’t want constant pressure to grow your company


Proceed with caution if...


  • You founded your company based on some kind of ethical conviction
    • Investors are in the business of making money
    • Really research the firm and make sure they are aligned with you.



If you are interested in raising here are some good Resources.


US VC Valuations Report:

How rolling funds and syndicates work:

VC Not only survived by thrived in 2020:

Cosmetic Brand M&As are at an all time high. Is the bubble going to pop?

Us based VC funds investing in beauty


Beauty VC- VC funds that invest in the beauty space

Beauty companies are beginning to get investors attention:

10 top US VC firms investing in beauty right now:

What venture capitalists look for when they invest:

  • if you are fundraising it is important to get the right kind of investors. Most VCs focus on technology. so be sure you find someone in the cosmetics space.


Beauty and VC 2022

Traditionally VC’s have stayed away from the cosmetics industry because of the high costs of entry, but with more DTC brands, a high level of acquisitions and emerging technology is causing investors to take a second look a beauty. Making now the right time for beauty VC 2022. VC isn’t right for every one and every founder but when used properly it can be a great tool.



view>Balancing Skin Microbiome Fact or Fiction

There has been a lot of research about our gut’s microbiome but very little on balancing skin microbiome. This can lead cosmetic companies creating dubious claims.


What is the skin microbiome?


The skin microbiome refers to the bacteria sitting on top of our skin. There are some bad bacteria that cause infections or irritation, but most help the skin’s defenses. These good bacteria live in harmony with the host. The skin microbiome can help develop barriers against bad Bactria, UV lights or even help prevent signs of aging.


Microbiome is changing constantly.


Because the skin’s microbiome is different bacteria, it’s makeup is changing constantly. If you wash your hands at a specific time each day and test your hands microbiome exactly 5 hours after you watched you will get different results for each day. This is why studying the skin microbiome is so difficult.


skin microbiome changes based on different factors including:

  • age
  • sex
  • bio-geography (where on the body you are studying ie. Armpits vs face)
  • cosmetics
  • genetics
  • living environment (rural vs. Urban)


What stays the same?


In participants with healthy microbiomes the total number of bacteria was fairly consistent. There are also consistencies across individuals of the same gender, race, or geographical area. In fact there were consistencies across those who ate a Chinese diet.


What does a balanced skin microbiome look like?


A good microbiome consists of a diverse culture of bacteria on the skin, with a fairly consistent total number of bacteria on the body. While the amount of a particular type of Bactria may fluctuate from location to location, having a wide range of bacteria is really important. People with fairly healthy looking, clear skin have a reasonably healthy microbiome.


A diverse, healthy and balanced skin microbiome may:

  • reinforce barrier
  • protect from UV
  • reduce inflammation
  • reduce oxidative stress
  • maintain ph of skin
  • maintain proper moisture level
  • boost overall immune function by maintain lymphocytes on skin.


An unhealthy microbiome may affect or cause:

  • auto immune diseases like diabetes arthritis, muscular dystrophy, fibromyalgia, perhaps cancers
  • obesity
  • micro-transmitters can be created by microbiome which can effect neuro-chemical imbalances which may result in schizophrenia, depression bipolar or other imbalances.


What happens when I use anti microbial products like hand sanitizer?


Surface level bacteria is killed, but the bacteria in the hair shaft, or below the skin that was unaffected by the antimicrobial will begin to recolonize the surface of the skin. This is theorized to be consistent from person to person because there are only certain kinds of bacteria that can survive in the hair shaft.


Studying the microbiome


Studying the skin’s microbiome can be quite difficult because the microbiome is continually changing. It can be difficult to tell if something was caused by the environment, a single ingredient or a formulation.


measurement of skin microbiome


to run a study most companies hire a consultant or have in house specialist s that help design the clinical study, tests and do sample collection. Then the swabs can be sent to a lab for DNA processing and sequencing. Different labs have different testing protocols which will effect the results of the test, so it is important to choose a lab and be consistent with them.

An excellent consulting company that specializes in clinical research for cosmetics including the microbiome is:

Balancing Skin Microbiome Fact or Fiction

There has been a lot of research about our gut’s microbiome but very little on balancing skin microbiome. This can lead cosmetic companies creating dubious claims.


What is the skin microbiome?


The skin microbiome refers to the bacteria sitting on top of our skin. There are some bad bacteria that cause infections or irritation, but most help the skin’s defenses. These good bacteria live in harmony with the host. The skin microbiome can help develop barriers against bad Bactria, UV lights or even help prevent signs of aging.


social media

view>Social Media Customer Acquisition for Cosmetic Companies

Creating a Social Media Community

When first creating a social media community it’s important to understand what your voice voice and positioning that is different from competitors. Understand your market positioning and experiment with different different elements to see what appeals to your audience. Experiment with posting at different times, colours, font, and types of messages to see what consumers respond to. Experiment while still maintaining a cohesive brand image.



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Post Regularly on Social Media

To gain traction and get picked up by algorithms you need to post regularly with high quality engaging content. One of the best ways to make sure you post regularly is to develop a content calendar. be sure to hold you and your team accountable to it. Make sure posts are delegated properly and everyone understands the company branding guidelines and what the post should be about. Make sure team member coordinate together and understand what each post should be. When planning your content look into what’s effective for each social media platform you are on. Here are some guides for several popular platforms:



Make it authentic

Consumers are looking to connect with brands and influences in a real and meaningful way. They are less interested in a beautiful set and perfect lighting. They want things that don’t feel scripted and come across as genuine. Customers want to buy from their friends.


Learning and Changing

When you have an online community, be sure to always listen to what they are interested, want and feedback. Remember customers want to engage with a brand and know the brand is listening to them. Build that relationship and take it seriously. They can help you determine how to pivot your company, and where to grow. Give your customers control and listen to the market.


Cross promotion and Influencers


A great way to build your following is by promoting others content, and have them promote yours. To start find influencers you feel could represent your brand well. Reach out to them and try to build relationships early and often. When you are working with them be sure to focus more on how you can help them. Try to find easy ways for them to make money, like using affiliate programs. Your goal by working with influencers is to have them fall in love with your brand, this is why paying for positive endorsements often doesn’t work. It needs to be authentic and genuine. This can be done by creating packages with gorgeous packaging, that's memorable and filled with surprises. Ask influencers what they really want out of life and their personal brand and try and make it happen for them.


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Social Media Customer Acquisition for Cosmetic Companies

Creating a Social Media Community

When first creating a social media community it’s important to understand what your voice voice and positioning that is different from competitors. Understand your market positioning and experiment with different different elements to see what appeals to your audience. Experiment with posting at different times, colours, font, and types of messages to see what consumers respond to. Experiment while still maintaining a cohesive brand image.