Baobab Oil is a rich, moisturizing oil extracted from the seeds of the Baobab tree, known for its emollient and nourishing properties. In cosmetics, it is commonly used in skincare products to help soften and hydrate the skin, as well as to improve the overall skin texture and appearance.

KYPRIS Beauty Elixir I – 14ML

* 19 Active Natural Ingredients

*Organic and Biodynamic Bulgarian Rose Essential Oil readily tosses its voluptuous bouquet of honeyed rose blossoms. Hand picked beneath the quiet of early morning sky, more than 1,000 distilled roses yield the luxurious and pampering essential oil in each bottle of Beauty Elixir I. Studied for its ability to uplift spirits and combat acne, this gorgeous essence is best known for its softening effect on even the most environmentally challenged complexions.