Expanding a Beauty Brand Internationally: Insights from Margarita Sidorova

Expanding a Beauty Brand Internationally: Insights from Margarita Sidorova

Breaking into international markets is a milestone many beauty brands aspire to achieve, but navigating this expansion requires strategic planning, local insights, and a clear vision. To explore this topic in-depth, we spoke with Margarita Sidorova, a renowned expert in international beauty brand expansion and founder of The Canadian Cosmetics Cluster.

Finding Your Niche: Expert Advice for Cosmetic Brands

Finding Your Niche: Expert Advice for Cosmetic Brands

In today’s highly competitive beauty industry, finding and establishing a niche can be the difference between thriving or getting lost in a sea of brands. To help emerging cosmetic brands navigate this challenge, we spoke with Margarita Sidorova, a seasoned expert in beauty industry networking and international expansion. Here’s her take on how cosmetic brands can carve out their unique space in the market and build a lasting presence.

Navigating Retail Relationships: Building Strong Brands

Navigating Retail Relationships: Building Strong Brands

In a recent interview with Rachel Baker, Margarita Sidorova, a prominent figure in the Canadian cosmetics industry, shared her thoughts on the evolving landscape of brand-retailer relationships and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for beauty brands.

How to make sure technical staff won’t hold your site hostage

First I want to address the point that any contractor, or employee you have working for you, you should trust. It’s unprofessional to hold a site hostage when you already paid them to make it for you. If you don’t trust someone don’t work with them period. That being said, development is a lot of work, and non-technical people often underestimate how much work simple changes can be. If a technical person says something will cost a lot of money, you should trust them enough that they aren't trying to rip you off.