
How Spas Can Use Email and Newsletters to Effectively Win Over Clients

In today’s digital world, email marketing remains one of the most powerful tools for businesses to connect with their audience—and spas are no exception. A well-crafted email or newsletter can serve as a gentle reminder of the services you offer, help build relationships with clients, and ultimately drive bookings. But how can spas use email effectively to win over clients and keep them coming back?

Drawing insights from Rachel Baker’s expertise, here’s a guide to creating email and newsletter campaigns that resonate with your audience and boost your spa’s success.

1.Personalization is Key

In the spa industry, personalization is critical to creating meaningful connections with clients. One-size-fits-all emails often feel impersonal and don’t perform well, so it’s essential to tailor your communication.

Segment Your Mailing List: 

Divide your email list into segments based on client preferences, past services booked, age, or location. For example, a client who regularly books massages might appreciate a newsletter that highlights special promotions on body treatments or relaxation tips, while a skincare enthusiast may be more interested in facials and products.

Use Client’s Name and Preferences: 

Address clients by their name in emails to create a more personal touch. If your booking system tracks clients’ favorite treatments, reference these in your emails to make the message feel even more tailored. For instance, “Hi Sarah, we noticed you loved our anti-aging facial. Here’s an exclusive offer just for you!”

2. Offer Value Beyond Discounts

While offering discounts can be a great short-term strategy to bring clients through the door, focusing solely on promotions can cheapen your brand. Instead, aim to provide valuable content that nurtures your relationship with clients.

Educational Content: 

Offer helpful tips, such as skincare routines, wellness advice, or guides on how to de-stress at home. If your spa specializes in advanced treatments, create informative emails that explain the benefits and process of these services. For example, if you offer microneedling, educate your clients on what they can expect, the recovery time, and the long-term benefits.

Seasonal Guides:

Tailor your emails to the season. Offer tips for protecting skin in the summer or combating dryness in the winter. For example, a newsletter in autumn could focus on how to repair sun damage after summer and introduce relevant treatments.

Build Your Brand Story

Your spa’s newsletter is an excellent opportunity to reinforce your brand values and create a sense of community around your business. It’s more than just promoting services—it’s about sharing who you are and what your spa stands for.

Highlight Your Unique Approach:

 Talk about what makes your spa different. Do you use eco-friendly products? Do you focus on holistic wellness? Share the “why” behind your services. For instance, if you specialize in organic facials, explain the benefits of using organic products and how this aligns with your spa’s commitment to sustainability.

Depending on your target audience, you can expand beyond spa treatments and provide broader wellness and lifestyle content. For instance, if most of your clients are older women, you could talk about navigating menopause and the wellness practices that can support them during this life stage, as Rachel Baker suggests. This type of content helps position your spa as a partner in their overall well-being.

Feature Success Stories:

Rachel Baker suggests sharing stories about clients who have seen great results from your services. For instance, if a client overcame severe acne with your help, you could write a case study (with their permission) highlighting how your treatments improved their confidence and skin.

Make It Relatable: 

When sharing these stories, make them relatable by talking about how the experience transformed the client’s life. A client who was hesitant to leave the house due to their skin condition and now feels empowered to go out and live their best life can be incredibly inspiring for other readers. Anonymize details if needed, but keep the stories authentic.

Invite Clients to VIP Events:

If you’re hosting a special event, such as a product launch or a wellness workshop, send invitations to your email list. Offer VIP early access or discounts to create excitement and make clients feel valued.

Seasonal Promotions and Holiday Offers:

Rachel Baker highlights that the holiday season is a great time to push gift card sales. Use email to promote holiday packages, gift card deals, or even exclusive holiday-themed treatments. Clients are often looking for thoughtful gifts, and spa services are a popular choice.

3.Make it Visually Appealing

Aesthetics matter, especially in the spa industry, where clients expect relaxation and luxury. 

Include Beautiful Images: 

Use high-quality images of your spa, products, and treatments to entice readers. Visually showcase what it feels like to visit your spa, from the serene environment to the treatments that pamper and rejuvenate.

Mobile Optimization: 

Ensure your email templates are mobile-friendly. Many people check their emails on their phones, and if your content doesn’t display properly, it could lead to missed opportunities. Use responsive design to guarantee your emails look great on both desktop and mobile devices.

Incorporate Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

A great email campaign is only effective if it prompts readers to take action. Whether your goal is to boost bookings, sell gift cards, or increase product sales, make sure your emails have clear and compelling calls-to-action (CTAs).

Create a Sense of Urgency:

 Use phrases like “Limited-Time Offer” or “Book Now” to encourage readers to act immediately. If you’re promoting a special offer, include a CTA that takes them directly to the booking page.

4. Utilize Automation for Drip Campaigns

Automation can help you create personalized, timely communications without the need to manually send every email. Drip campaigns are a great way to nurture leads and re-engage past clients.

Welcome Emails: 

Send a welcome email when a client signs up for your mailing list or books their first appointment. Introduce your spa, highlight popular treatments, and offer an exclusive new-client discount to encourage their next visit.

Appointment Reminders

Remind clients of appointments before they happen.  you can include details about their appointment so they can arrive ready. Tell them what to expect, what to bring, and you can also include a tejo skin scan so you can understand what their skin needs and their preferences before they come in.

Post-Appointment Follow-Ups: 

After a client’s visit, send a follow-up email thanking them for coming and offering to rebook their next appointment. You can also use this opportunity to ask for feedback or a review, which can help build your online reputation. Follow up with recommended product regimens

Re-Engagement Emails: 

For clients who haven’t booked in a while, send an email reminding them of the treatments they’ve enjoyed before and offering a “we miss you” discount. This personal touch can motivate them to return.

5. Track and Analyze Email Performance

To ensure your email marketing is effective, you need to regularly track and analyze its performance. This will help you understand what resonates with your audience and what doesn’t, allowing you to refine your strategy over time.

Monitor Open and Click Rates: 

These metrics show how engaging your subject lines and content are. If your open rates are low, try experimenting with different subject lines, personalization tactics, or sending times.

A/B Testing: 

Test different versions of your emails to see what works best. For example, you could test whether a “Book Now” CTA performs better than a “Treat Yourself Today” CTA or experiment with different types of promotions.


Email marketing is an invaluable tool for spas looking to deepen their relationships with clients and drive bookings. By creating personalized, value-driven emails that reflect your brand and engage your audience, you can nurture client loyalty and encourage repeat business. With thoughtful content, beautiful visuals, and well-timed promotions, your email campaigns can help turn potential clients into regulars, making your spa the go-to choice for relaxation and wellness.

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