GPT: What Cosmetic Companies should and shouldn't do

GPT (Generative pre-trained transformer) is an artificial intelligence technology that generates text and images from a prompt. It creates content that is unique and tailored to user input. It has a lot of potential applications, but I would be cautious where you apply the technology. GPT: Cosmetic Companies should think critically when applying the tech.


GPT: Cosmetic Companies --> What to look out for:


In our previous article ( we outlined the major limitations of GPT. The core points centered around how you cannot own the copyright for anything generated by AI as the laws stand now. There are also issues around it’s ability to be factually accurate and sound generic. The value proposition of GPTs don’t seem as good if you can’t own the copy write of what is generated and what is generated is not super valuable. Ultimately the value of content for your brand is going to be on its ability to get consumers attention and the inability of competitors to copy it. With GPT you have neither as of writing this article.


This means that use cases for this technology are more limited than what the marketing team and investors of this technology would like you to believe. Gpt replacing most creative work is theoretically possible, but the technology would need to become substantially better and the legal framework of copyright ownership would need to change dramatically. 


Where you could use it today


Test Image ideas

You could use a gpt image generator to create images that you could quickly test on small audiences on social media. If there are images that have especially good click through rates I would suggest you pay an artist to re-create a better version of the image for widespread ads. This is because a competitor can use a generated image and you would have no legal recourse because AI images have no copywrite.

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Repetitive writing tasks

Business Development. 

If you need to write a 100 tailored emails cold outreaching to prospective clients GPT could be the tool to do it. You could write a program that takes in the contacts information,  google's their recent activity and then generates an email. Just be sure to proofread all of the e-mails. 


customer service

One of the best applications for this technology is customer service related. You could train a chatbot to take care of most customer service related tasks. This of course would require oversight and proper training, but I can see a future where most call center and customer support jobs are automated. Rather than a large number of employees doing stressful repetitive tasks, you would have a smaller number of people who constantly monitor and update this automated engine. Currently there are risks associated with automated these tasks, especially if customers have unique requests that the machine cannot interpret even worse, an algorithm could be trained on data with prejudices and exhibit those to customers.


I would recommend using an external service to manage any chat automation, unless your company is willing to invest millions of dollars.


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Avoid using GPT for marketing content


There are a few pitfalls of using GPT for your content exclusively


Generic content

The value of your content is only as valuable and unique as it is to your consumers. If you want your consumers' attention you need to be able to create content that is unique and interesting. GPT seems to not be very good at either currently.


Getting shadow banned

Google, and social media platforms all have algorithms to decide what content they should promote and what they should demote. They have automatic systems for detecting bots, and those that are trying to “cheat” their way to the top. As a  result, if they detect that you are blindly publishing articles a bot wrote, these systems may detect that you are engaging in this behavior and demote all of your content. There is a bit of an arms race where algorithms are built to detect bots, and bots are built to circumvent the algorithms.


Need for oversight

Any content you produce by GPT needs to be proofread by someone who has a deep understanding of the topic being written about. Concepts may not be expressed properly, or important points may be missing. All statistics and quotes need to be checked to be true. 


Perhaps in the future Instead of using GPT to write an entire article for you, instead you could research a topic, and create an outline with statistics and quotes. GPT could generate an article that way. Currently you can use GPT to flesh out paragraphs which is somewhat useful. 


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Prompt: What cosmetic companies should and shouldn't use gpt for 


Written by ParagraphAI.


GPT, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a type of artificial intelligence technology that has been gaining traction in the cosmetics industry. GPT is a powerful tool that can be used to create content, generate product descriptions, and even develop product ideas. However, while GPT can be a powerful tool, it is important for cosmetic companies to understand the potential risks and benefits of using this technology.


Cosmetic companies should use GPT to develop content and product ideas. GPT can be used to generate product descriptions and create content that is tailored to the target audience. GPT can also be used to develop product ideas that are more innovative and creative than traditional methods. This can help cosmetic companies stand out from the competition and create products that are more attractive to customers.


On the other hand, cosmetic companies should avoid using GPT for tasks that require human judgement. GPT is still in its early stages and is not yet capable of making decisions that require complex reasoning or understanding of human behavior. For example, GPT may not be able to accurately assess the quality of a product or determine whether a product is suitable for a particular audience. Therefore, it is important for cosmetic companies to use GPT only for tasks that do not require human judgement.


Overall, GPT can be a powerful tool for cosmetic companies, but it is important to understand the potential risks and benefits of using this technology. Companies should use GPT for tasks that require content creation and product ideas, but should avoid using it for tasks that require human judgement. By understanding the capabilities and limitations of GPT, cosmetic companies can use this technology to their advantage.

