The Limitations of GPT: Cosmetics Industry

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GPT: Cosmetics Industry. GPT or Generative Pre-trained Transformer has received alot of hype in the news recently. So we decided to discuss some of the pitfalls of using gpt. We will then talk about various applications and how you can use the technology and still protect yourself from potential problems.


Works done only by humans are copyright protectable, and only humans can hold copyright. This means that as it stands anything created by gpt algorithms are not copyright protected. There are also several lawsuits against various ai companies looking to establish precedent for what AI can and cannot train on. Courts will be deciding if AI companies can use other people’s copyrighted works to train their algorithms with out permission. It’s currently unclear if that is fair use. It is also unclear if your company could be legally liable for illegally generated images. 

For a detailed analysis I recommend watching this video by Legal Eagle


Poor judgment

The problem with any computer program, not just AI is that it will do exactly what you tell it to do. It won’t be able to apply good judgment to the task, unless you include those constraints explicitly. For example if you tell an AI to “get as much social media traction as possible” It may discover posting inflammatory things or writing about holocaust denial gets alot of attention. It did it’s job, it gained traction on social media. This is why having the appropriate oversight, and regulation is crucial when using these tools.


False Information


Currently gpt will spout out false information when it is compiling its articles. This may change with technological advancement, but as it stands anything that is generated should be fact checked. It should be about something you know well enough where you can correct any obvious mistakes. 


Any AI is just as biased as the data it trains on.


Beyond not having any cultural insight into appropriate behavior and the propensity to spew false information, AI is limited by the data it’s trained on. It will carry over any biases or prejudices the original authors had. 


Something unique


Moreover gpt is limited by the data it is given. It can only create things that are based on the data it’s trained on. At best what can be created currently is a fairly average derivation of what already exists. The AI doesn’t seem to be bale to grasp certain concepts, rather it generates text and images based on what has be previously created using those key terms.


Overall GPT is an interesting technology with a lot of potential applications. The main draw back is the current copyright and legal issues at play for these generated works. Other draw backs like poor judgment, false information, and uniqueness may improve dramatically over the next 5 -10 years.



Prompt:  Write an article about the limitations of gpt including these points:


- Copy-write ownership

- potential legal issues for gpt companies with respect to copy-write

- pitfalls with good judgment

-false information

-generic sounding content

GPT: Cosmetics Industry

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Written By: ParagraphAI.


The use of Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) technology is becoming increasingly popular for its ability to generate large amounts of content quickly and accurately. However, there are several limitations to GPT that should be considered before using it.


First, GPT can only generate content that is not protected by copyright. This means that if you are using GPT to generate content that is based on existing copyrighted material, you may be liable for copyright infringement. Additionally, GPT companies may face potential legal issues with respect to copyright if they are found to be using copyrighted material without permission.


Second, GPT can be prone to making mistakes in judgment, especially when it comes to generating content that is nuanced or opinionated. For example, GPT may not be able to accurately capture the tone and sentiment of a particular piece of content, resulting in false information or generic sounding content.


Finally, GPT can be limited in its ability to generate original content. While GPT can be used to generate large amounts of content quickly, it is not always able to generate content that is truly unique or creative.


In conclusion, GPT technology has many advantages, but it also has several limitations that should be taken into consideration before using it. By understanding the potential pitfalls of GPT, users can better ensure that the content they generate is accurate and original.



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