Social Media Customer Acquisition for Cosmetic Companies

Creating a Social Media Community

When first creating a social media community it’s important to understand what your voice voice and positioning that is different from competitors. Understand your market positioning and experiment with different different elements to see what appeals to your audience. Experiment with posting at different times, colours, font, and types of messages to see what consumers respond to. Experiment while still maintaining a cohesive brand image.



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Post Regularly on Social Media

To gain traction and get picked up by algorithms you need to post regularly with high quality engaging content. One of the best ways to make sure you post regularly is to develop a content calendar. be sure to hold you and your team accountable to it. Make sure posts are delegated properly and everyone understands the company branding guidelines and what the post should be about. Make sure team member coordinate together and understand what each post should be. When planning your content look into what’s effective for each social media platform you are on. Here are some guides for several popular platforms:



Make it authentic

Consumers are looking to connect with brands and influences in a real and meaningful way. They are less interested in a beautiful set and perfect lighting. They want things that don’t feel scripted and come across as genuine. Customers want to buy from their friends.


Learning and Changing

When you have an online community, be sure to always listen to what they are interested, want and feedback. Remember customers want to engage with a brand and know the brand is listening to them. Build that relationship and take it seriously. They can help you determine how to pivot your company, and where to grow. Give your customers control and listen to the market.


Cross promotion and Influencers


A great way to build your following is by promoting others content, and have them promote yours. To start find influencers you feel could represent your brand well. Reach out to them and try to build relationships early and often. When you are working with them be sure to focus more on how you can help them. Try to find easy ways for them to make money, like using affiliate programs. Your goal by working with influencers is to have them fall in love with your brand, this is why paying for positive endorsements often doesn’t work. It needs to be authentic and genuine. This can be done by creating packages with gorgeous packaging, that's memorable and filled with surprises. Ask influencers what they really want out of life and their personal brand and try and make it happen for them.


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